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Distributed and Self-organizing Systems
Distributed and Self-organizing Systems

VSR News

Information for the next online lectures

Information for the next online lectures

Today are no online lectures. CWA and RN will be held on 30.06., SVS on 07.07. in the BBB-rooms. You can find the links to the rooms and the access codes in the OPAL courses.

VSR at #LSWT2020

VSR at #LSWT2020

In June 2020, our VSR staff member André Langer attended the 8. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag organized by AKSW/InfAI and sponsored by the eccenca GmbH. #LSWT2020

We got valuable insights into current activities of other partners in the context of Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data Management and Entity Recognition. This information exchange will enhance ongoing research projects of our VSR professorship in the knowledge domain of research information management infrastructures and interdisciplinary research data publishing. 

Best Video Award at #ICWE2020

Best Video Award at #ICWE2020

This year, our VSR team participated in the 20th International Conference on Web Engineering with three accepted research publications. #ICWE2020

Mahda Noura, Sebastian Heil and Martin Gaedke presented the contribution VISH: Does Your Smart Home Dialogue System Also Need Training Data?

In a joint activity with the Novosibirsk State Technical University and C&A Europe, Maxim Bakaev, Maximilian Speicher, Sebastian Heil and Martin Gaedke presented the paper I Don’t Have That Much Data! Reusing User Behavior Models for Websites from Different Domains

Finally, our colleagues André Langer, Dang Vu Nguyen Hai and Martin Gaedke presented SolidRDP: Applying Solid Data Containers for Research Data Publishing. They also won the Most Popular Video Award among all ICWE conference submissions this year.

Congratulations to all authors for their excellent work.

VSR at the #VIVO2020 Conference

VSR at the #VIVO2020 Conference

Our VSR colleagues Dang Vu Nguyen Hai and André Langer actively took part in the 11th Annual International VIVO Conference. #VIVO2020

In a 15 minutes talk, they provided valuable insights to the world-wide community into our practical development of a research information infrastructure and our current research focus on how to improve information access for different stakeholder groups and how to facilitate data mining for expertise knowledge sources.

Online Lecture for SVS is postponed

Online Lecture for SVS is postponed

Today's lecture for Security of Distributed Software (SVS) has to be postponed to next Tuesday (16.06.)! More information will be sent via OPAL.

Information for the online lectures on 09.06.2020

Information for the online lectures on 09.06.2020

All three online lectures (SVS, CWA, Rechnernetze) will be held tomorrow in the BBB-rooms. You can find the links to the rooms and the access codes in the OPAL courses.

Summer Semester 2020 Update!!! WE ARE STARTING!!!

Summer Semester 2020 Update!!! WE ARE STARTING!!!
We will start teaching this summer semester on 14.04.2020 with a mixture of live online lectures, online Q&A sessions, online tutorials, downloadable learning materials and homework for self-education. Please register with OPAL and join the online course on time via Zoom as stated in your email inbox. As a bonus, we will introduce some new learning/teaching concepts to provide a new and advanced learning experience - We are sure you will love this! Let us tackle this crisis together and grow through it together!!
You can find current information in the educational section of our VSR website.

We received a Best Paper award at the e-Society 2020 conference

We received a Best Paper award at the e-Society 2020 conference

We are very happy and proud to announce, that our research on "Improving Fake Product Detection using AI-based Technology" got an Outstanding Paper award at the 18th International Conference on e-Society 2020 . Congratulations to our VSR members Eduard Daoud, Dang Vu Nguyen Hai, Hung Nguyen and Martin Gaedke!


VSR Educational courses postponed

VSR Educational courses postponed

Based on the Second Open letter from the President regarding the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), all educational courses from our VSR professorship are currently postponed.

In particular, this applies to the final pitches of the Planspiel Web Engineering and the regular start of the summer semester 2020 courses. Other activities such as staff member meetings, oral exams or thesis defenses can currently take place on an individual basis.

We will keep you up-to-date via our website and other communication channels.

In the meantime, you can find further information on the news site of the rectorat of Chemnitz University of Technology

The First VSR PhD in 2020

The First VSR PhD in 2020

Our external PhD student Christian Hochmuth successfully defended his PhD thesis "Strategic planning of technical capacity in complex production systems: mathematical optimization of graphical models with the software AURELIE" on 27 February 2020.

We congratulate Christian to his achievement and wish him all the best for his future.

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