Enhancing Web Applications with Dynamic Code Migration Capabilities
Conference Paper

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Heil

Research Area
23rd International Conference on Web Engineering
Published in
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Web Engineering
Dynamic migration of code between client and server of a web application allows to balance the needs of users for smooth and responsive user interactions with the interests of software providers to reduce costs and use resources efficiently. The ability to change the execution location of parts of the application logic at runtime means that depending on client capabilities, network speed and the current load of client and server, the code distribution can be optimized. In this demonstration, we showcase dynamic code migration for a sample e-commerce web application. The demonstrator is designed according to our novel DCM architecture and uses its infrastructure to automate compilation of code fragments and manage the migration at runtime, leveraging standardized Web technologies like WebAssembly and WebSockets. Demo participants will be able to interactively control the distribution of code fragments via a control user interface in the browser and interact with the e-commerce web application which was extended so that execution locations of application logic can be observed life. This demo provides a running prototypical implementation of the DCM architecture and aims at inspiring discussions about new possibilities for the Web platform from the widespread support of WebAssembly in all major browsers.
Heil, Sebastian; Haas, Jan; Gaedke, Martin: Enhancing Web Applications with Dynamic Code Migration Capabilities. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Web Engineering, pp. 371–375, 2023.