VOISMA: Indoor Location Identification for Voice-based Smart Home
Conference Paper

Research Area
The 20th IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
Published in
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology
One of the main challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT) is to enable end-users without technical experience to use, control ormonitor smart devices. However, enabling end-users to interact with these smart devices in an intuitive and natural way becomes increasingly important as they become more pervasive in our homes, workplaces and public environments. Voice-based interfaces are the emerging trend to provide a more natural human-device interaction in smart environments. Such interfaces require to identify the location of the end-user to assist the machine in decision making and provide a more natural interaction with the user. Designing indoor localization within the smart home that is easily implemented without installing additional hardware equipments and is user-centric is far from trivial. In this paper, we propose an approach,VOISMA, that automatically identifies the location of the end-user based on the voice goals provided to the smart home automation system using acoustic techniques. Our approach alleviates the need for end-users to install additional hardware equipment inthe home rather it enables the location identification using their existing voice-based systems. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach and conduct different experiments in a smart home environment. VOISMA further enhances the ease of use for end-users in the context of our goal-oriented approach GrOWTH.
Noura, Mahda; Gaedke, Martin: VOISMA: Indoor Location Identification for Voice-based Smart Home. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, pp. 582--588, 2022.