TUCfis: A holistic research information management approach to support the digital transformation of a university
Electronic Source

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Heil

Research Area
Intelligent Information Management
12th Annual VIVO Conference 2021
Published in
Presentation at the 12th Annual VIVO Conference 2021
Knowledge and technology transfer between an academic institution and partners in the economy has gained importance in recent years. Universities seek to increase the visibility of their research activities and offered services, whereas business companies primarily focus on available expertise and services. In the past, this information was provided in a distributed fashion which made it challenging, especially for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME), to contact a university for cooperative activities. To fulfill requests from these stakeholders, we extended TUCfis to become a central point for providing easy-to-access information related to expertise and offered services. Although the data contained in TUCfis can be accessed through various endpoints, this operation is still difficult for non-tech-savvy people. For the purpose of facilitating data access and data reusability, we follow a web component-based approach to integrate information from TUCfis into other pages of the university's website. During the development process, we still have to deal with many data challenges: incompleteness, inconsistency, inaccuracy, for which we had to create a handling strategy. Besides, since our data partially contains private information, we have to provide fine-grained access control at the user level to align with the university's data privacy demands. As a result, our team learned valuable strategies and took practical decisions. We intend to share them with the VIVO community.
Hai, Dang V. N.; Göpfert, Christoph; Langer, André; Heil, Sebastian; Gaedke, Martin: TUCfis: A holistic research information management approach to support the digital transformation of a university. Presentation at the 12th Annual VIVO Conference 2021, 2021.