Analysis of current RDM applications for the interdisciplinary publication of research data
Conference Paper

Research Area
Intelligent Information Management
Workshop on Approaches for Making Data Interoperable (AMAR)
Published in
Proceedings of the Workshop on Approaches for Making Data Interoperable (AMAR) Presented at the SEMANTiCS Conference 2019
The digital transformation of science led to new publication channels for scientific work. Beside the traditional publication of scientific articles, this particularly includes the provision of underlying research data to the scientific community.
But it becomes increasingly difficult for an author to have an overview over the most relevant data publishing solutions and their features, especially for interdisciplinary research data exchange. Researchers are often not aware, which types of research data management (RDM) applications exist and which of them should be selected for research data publishing and sharing with other researchers.
We therefore investigated suggested data publishing solutions and currently used publication channels for research data and conducted a systematic mapping of RDM approaches currently in use. The obtained results were clustered into research data management systems, platforms and assisting tools and evaluated against their current support for semantic, interdisciplinary data exchange based on FAIR principles. We show, that a large set of established scientific data publishing solutions already exists, but that their support for Linked Data is still limited and can be improved.
Langer, André; Bilz, Ellen; Gaedke, Martin: Analysis of current RDM applications for the interdisciplinary publication of research data. Proceedings of the Workshop on Approaches for Making Data Interoperable (AMAR) Presented at the SEMANTiCS Conference 2019, 2019.