PIROL: Cross-domain Research Data Publishing with Linked Data technologies
Conference Paper

Research Area
Intelligent Information Management
31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
Published in
Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium Papers Presented at the 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2019)
Effective research data management for traceability preservation and
reuse is an important part of good scientific practice and is already under discussion
over a long period of time. However, the digital transformation in science also led to new
challenges for researchers on how to describe publish and share their research data. This
includes the interdisciplinary annotation and discovery of research data, data privacy
issues in exposure of data with trends to decentralized platforms as well as sophisticated
automatisms to ensure data quality and compliance aspects.
Only limited tool
support exists for these processes so far. The following research project will use Linked
Data principles to improve the current situation in this problem domain. It will first
focus on components and services that assist researchers in the annotation process of
their research data. Next, it will investigate how this research data can be stored and
discovered in decentralized multi-user scenarios to allow data reuse under respect of data
privacy concerns. In a third step, meta data descriptions will be used to apply automated
data conformance and quality assessment operations on scientific data.
Langer, André; Gaedke, Martin: PIROL: Cross-domain Research Data Publishing with Linked Data technologies. Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium Papers Presented at the 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2019), pp. 43-51, 2019.