Search-based dashboards - Approach and Challenges
Conference Paper

Research Area
17th International Conference WWW/Internet
Published in
Proceedings of 17th International Conference WWW/Internet (ICWI2018)
Conference Proceedings ICWI_AC 2018
Effectivity and productivity in the web-based production business has become increasingly important. System-wide information access and exploring big data plays a special role when it comes to increasing productivity and enhancing the quality of outcomes within an organization (Feldman & Sherman, 2011). Exploring and accessing large data sets saved in heterogeneous data sources is one of the current challenges for enterprises. Web-based information access platforms could meet this challenge but a human-centered perspective is needed. Graphic user interface to these platforms should support a user-centered approach. In this short paper, a search-based dashboard for exploring large data sets and accessing relevant information has been designed and prototype developed. This approach introduces many opportunities, also many challenges, in terms of data connectivity, user interface design, and privacy, and is attractive because it offers a suite of adaptive automated and semi-automated solutions in situations typified by large complex problem spaces with heterogeneous data landscape and conflicting objectives (Harman, et al., 2012 ).
Daoud, Eduard: Search-based dashboards - Approach and Challenges. Proceedings of 17th International Conference WWW/Internet (ICWI2018), pp. 360-365, 2018.