Mensch und Computer 2024 and Look-Ahead to MuC 2025 in Chemnitz

Our team from TU Chemnitz recently gathered at the Mensch und Computer 2024 (MuC 2024) conference, held at the KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany. This year's event was an inspiring journey through the diverse world of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), bringing together open-minded individuals to engage in critical discussions on current and future trends.
MuC 2024 stands out not only as the largest HCI conference in Europe but also as a unique blend of academic research and practical industry insights, with participation from organizations like the German UPA. After days of insightful sessions, we continued our discussions in the local pubs of Karlsruhe, fostering deeper connections in a more relaxed setting.
We deeply appreciate Prof. Dr. Alexander Maedche, Kathrin Gerling, and their team for organizing this event, which offered a welcoming environment for sharing experiences and networking. It was a fantastic opportunity to explore topics from User Experience (UX) to the complex relationships between humans, technology, and society.
We are excited to announce that Mensch und Computer 2025 (MuC 2025) will be hosted at TU Chemnitz. As Chemnitz becomes the European Cultural Capital (Kulturhauptstadt) in 2025, we will welcome the HCI community to explore "Digital Diversity" and continue the conversations started this year in Karlsruhe.
Stay tuned for more information on how to get involved with MuC2025 and join us in shaping the future of HCI! The website for next year is currently under construction and you can get to it here.
MuC 2024 stands out not only as the largest HCI conference in Europe but also as a unique blend of academic research and practical industry insights, with participation from organizations like the German UPA. After days of insightful sessions, we continued our discussions in the local pubs of Karlsruhe, fostering deeper connections in a more relaxed setting.
We deeply appreciate Prof. Dr. Alexander Maedche, Kathrin Gerling, and their team for organizing this event, which offered a welcoming environment for sharing experiences and networking. It was a fantastic opportunity to explore topics from User Experience (UX) to the complex relationships between humans, technology, and society.
We are excited to announce that Mensch und Computer 2025 (MuC 2025) will be hosted at TU Chemnitz. As Chemnitz becomes the European Cultural Capital (Kulturhauptstadt) in 2025, we will welcome the HCI community to explore "Digital Diversity" and continue the conversations started this year in Karlsruhe.
Stay tuned for more information on how to get involved with MuC2025 and join us in shaping the future of HCI! The website for next year is currently under construction and you can get to it here.