Good luck in the exam period
Thanks to all students for participating in our EDU courses this semester.
We offer the following exams (all in written style as open-book exams):
11.02.2017 09:00 1/201 SVS
13.02.2017 14:00 1/201 XML
14.02.2017 11:00 1/201 SSE (PVS)
15.02.2017 13:00 1/305 RN
16.02.2017 14:00 1/201 EVS
23.02.2017 15:00 1/204 CWA (MVS)
28.02.2017 08:00 1/201 Current Trends in WE (AVS/SMWS)
Please remember to bring your Student ID card and own answer sheet paper with you.