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Distributed and Self-organizing Systems
Distributed and Self-organizing Systems

Guest Researcher Lic. Julián Grigera from Argentina visiting VSR

Guest Researcher Lic. Julián Grigera from Argentina visiting VSR
Lic. Julián Grigera from LIFIA, a research laboratory within the National University of La Plata, Argentina, is visiting the VSR from October 8th to October 27th as part of our international project funded by DAAD.

He is a PhD student working on WebTDD, a methodology for developing web applications that combines features of agile approaches (especially Test-Driven Development) and Model-Driven methodologies. He is also working on refactoring–like techniques for improving usability/accessibility on web sites, particularly for the visually impaired.

LIFIA: http://lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar/en/
DAAD: http://www.daad.de/en/
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