Designing a chatbot to fill out forms in the web
Research Area

In the domain of e-commerce, chatbots are often used to offer
customers an easy way to exchange simple information. A situations which many customers
face is to fill out some forms, where they have to switch between different fields to fill
it out. This situation might be improved by offering customers the option to fill this
form out in a dialogue with a chatbot, where customers can also ask questions about the
information they should fill in. To research on the benefits and drawbacks of using a
conversational user interface instead of a graohical one in chatbots is the main topic of
this thesis.
This means to conduct a literature analysis on the
current state and to elicitate requirements on such a chatbot concerning the dialogue
structure, how the information is presented by the customers and how the error management
is handled by the chatbot. After the requirement elicitation, a concept has to be designed
and implemented for the solution of this problem. The chatbot should be able to deal with
information which is given in bulk (e.g. split addresses into street name, house nr., zip
code, and city) by the customer and fill in the form accordingly. Questions on unclear
fields should be answered comprehensively and customers should be able to easily delete or
change information which was already given. The implementation has to be evaluated on its
feasibility and usability on at least one use case (chosen out of typical situations in
which a form needs to be filled, like reservations, buying a services or product, etc.)
which has to be regarded as a usual form to fill out and with a chatbot.