Contextual Analysis for Trust Evaluations by ConTED
Research Area

Md Tajul Islam Parvaz

In the paper of “ConTED: Towards Content Trust for the Decentralized Web”, authors proposed a Trust Framework to give web applications a mechanism to use the model of content trust in a computerized, and decentralized trust awareness. As ConTED is created to work for decentralized web applications no human interaction should be required, and the trust evaluation should be as short as possible. Content trust in general is a trust evaluation on a particular piece of information or some specific content provided by an entity in a given context. This thesis investigates the idea to implement the second factor of content trust Context and Criticality to recognize the criticality level. This factor will not be implemented as a separate measurement, but it will help to change the co-operation threshold based on the criticality parameter and the corresponding values for each level of criticality. In ConTED, this is done by the Content Analysis component.
Content trust is often subjective, and there are many factors that determine
whether content could or should be trusted, and in what context. The objective of this
thesis is to achieve the criticality parameter provided during the trust evaluation call
and the corresponding values for each level of Criticality in the trust evaluation
framework. To achieve this, the following aspects, which may not be sufficient, are
considered: (1) use of the interaction partner data, (2) the reason for the interaction
partner data searched, (3) the purpose of the interaction partner data and (4) source of
the data will be identified as the parameters of context of the resource. Additionally,
the role of associated entities for the interaction partner data will be also identified,
which especially includes the recognition of the interaction partner.
Additional improvements on the context perception, such as adding the topics along
with the recognized criticality level, to achieve a more accurate context require to be
assessed within the thesis.
The objective of this master thesis is to find an approach or a combination of approaches to solve the mentioned problems within the context of ConTED’s contextual analysis. This particularly includes the state of the art regarding contextual analysis and perception of web applications. The demonstration of feasibility with an implementation prototype of the concept is part of this thesis as well as a suitable evaluation with exemplary and empirical use cases.