Quiz Platforms in Digital Education
Research Area

Sabbir Md Ziauddin

Swagat Gyawali

Due to the COVID pandemic, a fundamental change in the learning environment from conventional presence sessions to hybrid and online sessions took place. This shift, however, also opens up opportunities for using different learning methods. One method that has proven successful so far in tutorials, as well as lectures, is the use of quizzes as a didactic method. Quizzes offer students an interactive and entertaining format to examine and further deepen their knowledge. A major advantage of quizzes is that they can not only be used during a lecture or tutorial session but also be made available to students afterwards for self-study.
Although numerous quiz platforms already exist, these are often limited in their range of features, have a limited maximum number of participants, or do not sufficiently take into account data protection aspects. Within the scope of this thesis, a quiz platform for use in digital teaching consisting of a base system with core features and interfaces for extension through additional plug-ins has to be designed and implemented. The core features must cover the following aspects: both quizmasters and participants must be enabled to register and log in. Quizmasters must be able to create, edit, and delete quizzes, as well as launch a quiz round. Quiz participants must be able to join a quiz via an access code or QR code, and to set an individual nickname. Unregistered quiz participants must also be able to take part in a quiz. Furthermore, the base system must realize basic question types, i.e. text questions with a fixed number of answer options and a fixed time limit to answer the question. After the expiration of the time limit, the correct answer must be highlighted, and each participant has to be notified whether their selected answer was correct.
The objective of this thesis is to develop a WCAG 2.0 compliant, plugin-based quiz platform. For this purpose, a comprehensive requirements analysis has to be carried out and the state of the art must be studied. Existing solutions need to be classified and evaluated according to the specified requirements. A concept of a quiz platform has to be developed, which will then be implemented in form of a prototypical web application. Finally, the satisfaction of the requirements has to be demonstrated in a suitable evaluation.