Content Trust Initialization at the Joining of a new Web Application
Research Area

Jun Li

The varying quality of Information resource makes the trust judgement complicated from web entities. In the original web architecture, the trust layer consists of authentication, identification and proof checking but nothing about the content itself. Content trust is content based judgement about a piece of information particularly from the given context. This means the particular information from the context is processed and contributes trust value and let the entity decide whether this information is trusted or not. The process is a combined work from a set of factors which affect how an entity determine trust in content provided by other web information sources.
In a redecentralized network when the trust relation is already
established among the community members, trust value of other entities from the
perspective of the entities is stored locally as a basement for further calculation and
decision making on whether to trust a piece of information or not. Many factors from the
19 main content trust factors can influence the trust value because this content trust
model is already running among the community. Some factors such as direct experience
or recommendation can be processed due to the existence of a local record information
from each entity. But there is no history record to refer to for such trust value
calculation when it comes to the case that a new entity trying to join this community and
gain trust from the community members. Then it comes to this research focusing on how a
new entity initialize the trust mechanism based on these content trust factors.
First point about the initialization would be what factors among the
19 factors can be considered as a process for this new entity since some factors cannot
work as intended for practical reasons. As the example mentioned above, direct experience
and recommendation cannot initialize properly due to the lack of the information history
record. Some other factors would be similarly unsuitable for the initialization too. But
it does not mean that these factors are ruled out for the trust value judgement on the new
entity. Some of these unsuitable factors may still be modified in a way to meet the
practical demand for the initialization and contribute to the trust judgement. The
objective of this thesis is to find an approach or combination of approaches for the
previously mentioned problems and tasks in the context of initializing content trust in a
redecentralized web within the use case of a new web application. This particularly
includes the state of the art regarding initialization of trust and its factors. The
demonstration of feasibility with an implementation prototyp of the concept is part of
this thesis as well as a suitable evaluation with exemplary use cases.