Decentralized Smart Home Data Management: Keeping End-Users in Control of their Smart
Device’s Data
Research Area

Pham Tuan Khanh Nguyen

The awareness for data ownership has been enhanced recently, primarily on the Internet of Thing (IoT) area. It becomes a controversial problem. “Who should own the data? Or Where is the place for storing the data?”. Therefore, the privacy data aspects and access authorization approaches will be discussed in this topic.
In the interest of the data ownership concerns, the Social Linked Data (SoLiD), which is proposed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, had been introduced. The concept of SoLiD is a data platform with a powerful utility using Linked Data principles. It allows the end-users to keep their data in control but also gives a chance for the data consumers can access real data with permission. The Personal Online Data Stores (also known as PODs) play a crucial role in this concept. It is providing the hosting and access authorization capabilities for the user environment, which leads to the ability of the end-users. It allows them to have their server or use the solution which is provided by Inrupt (the commercial startup co-founded by CEO John Bruce and CTO Sir Tim Berners-Lee) with fully controlled on their data by using WebID technology. In this approach, the data ownership shifts from the hardware’s providers and third-party applications to the consumer. The biggest challenge for this approach is the Social Linked Data (SoLiD) supports static data such as files, images, etc. and Internet of Thing (IoT) devices provide the real-time and time series data which is dynamic and unpredicted. To apply Social Linked Data (SoLiD) into the smart home domain is the central part of this research. The research’s questions have been listed below:
- How to store the real-time data on the Internet of Thing (IoT) devices in the Personal Online Data Stores (PODs)?
- How to have POD’s that aggregation of the data from IoT devices, and provide the privacy and control for end-users?
- How to make it convenient for end-users to use?
- How many POD’s are needed for each smart home?
- How to simulate the data from the sensors of devices through statistical analysis with a normal distribution that has a specific mean and variance?
The objective of this master thesis is to use the Social Linked Data (SoLiD) technology in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT). To prove and illustrate the possibility of the above approach, the application for data management in a smart home using SoLiD will be introduced and developed, respectively. This research mainly includes state of the art regarding application development techniques which are suitable for the Internet of Thing (IoT). The demonstration of feasibility with an implementation prototype of the concept is part of this thesis. Finally, a proper evaluation of the tool with developers to integrate with the current solution or develop the new solution base on it depending on the context is part of this thesis.