Software Architecture Development for a Multidisciplinary Interactive Aircraft-Design
Research Area

Dattatrya Raghunath Bhosle

The Institute of System Architectures in Aeronautics models aviation as a system that spans over multiple levels including the transport system, the vehicles, and the production of individual components. One building block in this overall system is aircraft design, i.e. the science of designing an aircraft considering multiple constraints and requirements, e.g. market demand or physical constraints.
In order to understand and analyze the connections and interactions between the different relevant system levels and their components (e.g. aircraft, product lifecycle, passenger, operation, environment, certification, infrastructure, etc.), a software tool is in development, which aims at obtaining thorough understanding of those interactions and shall finally be used for an overall system optimization. The tool does not only bring together the different systems, but shall also enable different stakeholders (e.g. passenger, airline, aircraft designer, politician, etc.) to have their viewpoint on the overall system. Apart from the complexity of this approach, the large amount of infrastructural and operational data needs to be handled poses an additional challenge.
The aim of this master thesis is to develop suitable concepts for this new kind of overall system representation. The concepts must be able to deal with high complexity, large amounts of data from different disciplines and different levels of model fidelity. The developed software architecture shall consider the agile way in how this software is developed, so modularity and extendibility play an important role. Equally important is the development of a concept on how to design the interface to the different user types. Whereas the models of (some of) the subsystems are already available as well as a very simple user interface, the concepts developed in this thesis shall give the software structure to link the subsystems also regarding future overall system optimization.
Further the tasks include:
- Identification and formulation of the requirements (current and foreseeable) on the architecture of the software
- Identification and formulation of the requirements of the (web-based) user interface
- Development of suitable software architecture for the described software tool considering the identified requirements
- Development of best representation of the software architecture
- Implementing of new software architecture’s application prototype / MVP using Python
- Implementing of new (web-based) user interface prototype / MVP using appropriate language
The objective of this master thesis is to find an approach or a combination of approaches to solve the previously mentioned problem and research questions in the context of software architecting concerning agility and data handling. This particularly includes the state of the art regarding multidisciplinary software architecture, the different relevant system levels and their components. The demonstration of feasibility with an implementation prototype of the concept is part of this thesis as well as a suitable evaluation with exemplary and empirical use cases.