Querying Linked Data catalogues for concept URIs to describe research data
Research Area
Intelligent Information Management

Christoph Goepfert

The reuse of well-known terminology in the shape of entities
with unique identifiers is a key aspect in Linked Data. Different approaches exist on how
to organize and provide referenceable entity instances in certain knowledge domains based
on ontologies. Sources for relevant concepts are either instance data sets (e.g. DBpedia),
dataset collections (e.g. ) or ontology catalogues (e.g. LoV).
The intended research internship project focuses on the retrieval of
identifiers for data entities that are relevant for the description of digital research
data, such as the type of research data, the main study object, the research methodology,
the involved institution, the publication license or further relevant information. After
identifying relevant concepts and requirements, it should be investigated how identifiers
for instances of particular concepts can be obtained from one or multiple existing data
sources. This might involve sequential follow-up or federated queries. A reflective
discussion of the results should complete the project.