Decentralized interdisciplinary Research Data management with SoLiD
Research Area
Intelligent Information Management

Dang Vu

Publishing and reusing research data are two crucial aspects
of proper scientific work beside other steps in the data management lifecycle. The
digitalization of science already offered plenty new publication channels for research
data in the past, starting with direct data exchange, traditional self-hosted webserver
downloads, up to larger centralized platform infrastructures and public/private
cloud-based solutions with corresponding application providers. However, certain
researchers hesitate to use centralized platforms and want to retain control on their
research data, especially wrt. data privacy concerns and existing legal agreements.
Alternatively, several decentralized approaches were already proposed but it appears that
no solution was widely accepted so far; especially in the context of interdisciplinary
research data reuse.
The aim of this project is to define and test
an up-to-date data management concept that enables researchers to publish and reuse
research data in a decentralized and interdisciplinary way. It should be built as a smart
extension on top of established data storage server infrastructures and rely on existing
standards. After a requirement analysis, already existing approaches have to be compared
first to which extent they already satisfy all requirements. Based on that, a
SoLiD-paradigm based approach shall be applied that overcomes identified data management
weaknesses of other solutions. Therefore, present SoLiD server implementations can be used
as a starting point but have to be extended to allow a researcher the publication of
heterogeneous amounts of data with basic meta information and the collaboration with other
researchers and institutions with anticipation of changes in mind. An implementation and
evaluation has to show the feasibility and acceptance.