Exploring Scientific Data Sets through Linked Data
Research Area
Intelligent Information Management
The digital initiative of the German government also demands researchers to publish data sets for reuse in the future. This can be done with a simple download link on a website, in data repositories such as Github, CKAN or Zenodo, or via specialized data provider platforms such as the Harvard Dataverse, RADAR, ResearchGate or others. Additional services such as Googles Dataset search, or specialized search engines allow the search among multiple data platforms to find relevant datasets. However, this search is still limited; either to a keyword based search or to provenance information. It is still hard to easily filter e.g. for a user survey that focuses on sport activities of people in Germany with an age above 50 years.
This project deals with the question, how such a query can be made in a convenient way by solely relying on means of Linked Data. After a requirement and State of the Art analysis, an approach has to be developed, how a user can formulate a search expression with RDF statements for particular research data in a distributed environment. The approach has to be implemented and evaluated in an appropriate usage scenario.