Systematization of Scientific Data Systems
Research Area
Intelligent Information Management


Research data is an essential element of scientific working: It leads to insights and – most important – it validates findings. Which also means it is inseparable connected to the results of research. The number of scientific publications is growing fast and researchers are more and more aware of the importance of its underlying data. Also the idea of sharing data – with key words such as data access and open data – to enable verification, reproduction and reusage is becoming a main focus in the field of science. These developments lead to a vast increase of published scientific data.
The aim of this project is to systemize existing scientific data systems – which means, all systems to store, manage or publish scientific data. The question which types of scientific data systems exist also includes the identification of aspects suitable for a distinction.
As a basis for this task the questions what scientific data is and which types are existing need to be answered. Also an explorational search for data is conducted to gain a first view over the project's topic. For the main part of the project – the systematization – a systematic literature review will be performed.
The resulting survey of systems should help researchers to find the systems meeting their requirements best and also support further research regarding connecting them, e.g. to facilitate data access or publishing.