Supporting Semantic Interoperability in Inter-Widget-Communication-enabled User
Interface Mashups
Research Area

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Heil

Olexiy Chudnovskyy

Description (German)
User Interface Mashups are a promising approach for the development of Web applications based on re-usable components, called widgets, focusing End-User Development. One of the major challenges of UI mashups is to enable communication between widgets, so called Inter-Widget Communication (IWC) in order to enable data flows and state synchronization. An efficient IWC solution requires an approach which enables independent development of widgets and at the same time increases compatibility between widgets in order to allow communication regardless of data representations. This thesis elaborates an IWC approach which, on the one hand, provides means of increasing semantic interoperability between independently developed widgets and, on the other hand features a simple and easy-to-use concept for widget developers and avoids mitigating usability for end-users. In addition to the theoretical IWC approach, this thesis presents the implementation of a client-side framework which supports the proposed approach and can be easily employed in several mashup set-ups by script inclusion.