Module 500420
Vorbereitungsseminar Planspiel Web Engineering (SS 2023)
Welcome to the homepage of Vorbereitungsseminar Planspiel Web Engineering
This site contains all important information about the seminar, including links to available topics as well as about the seminar in general.
The seminar covers topics from the area of Web Engineering, in particular modern development approaches for web applications, strategic planning, agile, lean and design thinking approaches as well as user interface experience, service design and cloud computing.
The following steps are necessary to complete the seminar:
- Preparation of a 10-minute presentation about the topic assigned to you.
- An additional written report of your topic.
Seminar chairs

If you have any questions concerning this seminar or the exam as a participant, please contact us via OPAL.
We also offer a Feedback system, where you can provide anonymous feedback for a partiular session to the presenter on what you liked or where we can improve.
This seminar (module 500420 Vorbereitungsseminar Planspiel Web Engineering) belongs to the master course Web Engineering. We strongly recommend to take this seminar before module 500430 Planspiel Web Engineering as it provides necessary knowledge for preparation.
Participation is only available after registration in OPAL.
Opening Meeting
The date of the presentations will be announced via OPAL.
Hints for your Presentation
- As a rule of thumb, you should plan 2 minutes per slide. A significantly higher number of slides per minute exceeds the perceptive capacity of your audience.
- Prior to your presentation, you should consider the following points: What is the main message of my presentaion? What should the listeners take away?
Your presentation should be created based on these considerations. - The following site provides many good hints: https://www.garrreynolds.com/preso-tips/
Seminar Days
The date of the presentations will be announced via OPAL.
Written Report
- Length: 5 pages per focus topic with appropriate font size and spacing
- Format: PDF
- Important hints on citing:
- Any statement which does not originate from the author has to be provided with a reference to the original source.
- "When to Cite Sources" - a very good overview by the Princeton University
- Examples for correct citation can be found in the IEEE-citation reference
- Web resources are cited with author, title and date including URL and Request date. For example:
- [...] M. Nottingham and R. Sayre. (2005). The Atom Syndication Format - Request for Comments: 4287 [Online]. Available: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4287.txt (18.02.2008).
- [...] Microsoft. (2015). Microsoft Azure Homepage [Online]. Available: https://azure.microsoft.com/ (23.09.2021).
- A url should be a hyperlink, if it is technically possible. (clickable)