Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Speicher
Personal Information

Since 2013, I am an external PhD student working on a dissertation in cooperation with the R&D
department of Unister GmbH, Leipzig. In my PhD thesis, I investigate the
analysis and optimization of users' interactions with search-driven web applications from a design thinking
point of view. In particular, my research is concerned with user-centered approaches to result relevance and
user experience in the specific context of search engine results pages. The project is funded with an
industrial PhD scholarship granted by the SAB.
In 2007, I started my studies of computer science at the University of Koblenz. However, after three semesters, I switched to RWTH Aachen University, where I received my Bachelor's degree in August 2010. My Bachelor's thesis dealt with the suitability of Google Wave in the context of e-learning. In September 2010, I started my Master's studies at ETH Zurich, specializing in Information Systems. My Master's thesis was concerned with crowdsourced adaptation of websites for touch devices. I received my Master's degree in 2012, before starting a 6-month internship at the R&D department of Unister GmbH.
Research Interests and Expertise
- Client-side/Server-side Web Technologies
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Interface Design
- Machine Learning
- Usability
- User Experience
- Web 2.0
Open Projects
- Maxim Bakaev, Sebastian Heil, Johanna Jagow, Maximilian Speicher, Kevin Bauer, Martin Gaedke (2023): Conference Paper "A Taxonomy of User Behavior Model (UBM) Tools for UI Design and User Research"
- Maxim Bakaev, Maximilian Speicher, Johanna Jagow, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2022): Conference Paper "We Don’t Need No Real Users?! Surveying the Adoption of User-less Automation Tools by UI Design Practitioners"
- Maxim Bakaev, Maximilian Speicher, Sebastian Heil, Martin Gaedke (2020): Conference Paper "I Don’t Have That Much Data! Reusing User Behavior Models for Websites from Different Domains"
- Maximilian Speicher, Sebastian Nuck, Lars Wesemann, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke (2015): Journal Article "From TMR to Turtle: Predicting Result Relevance from Mouse Cursor Interactions in Web Search"
- Maximilian Speicher (2015): Electronic Source "What is Usability? A Characterization based on ISO 9241-11 and ISO/IEC 25010"
- Maximilian Speicher, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke (2015): Conference Paper "INUIT: The Interface Usability Instrument"
- Maximilian Speicher, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke (2015): Conference Paper "S.O.S.: Does Your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Need Help?"
- Andreas Both, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Ricardo Usbeck, Christiane Lemke, Denis Lukovnikov, Maximilian Speicher (2014): Conference Paper "A Distributed Search Framework for Full-Text, Geo-Spatial and Semantic Search"
- Maximilian Speicher, Sebastian Nuck, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke (2014): Conference Paper "StreamMyRelevance! Prediction of Result Relevance from Real-Time Interactions and its Application to Hotel Search"
- Maximilian Speicher, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke (2014): Conference Paper "Ensuring Web Interface Quality through Usability-based Split Testing"
- Maximilian Speicher, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke (2014): Conference Paper "WaPPU: Usability-based A/B Testing"
- Maximilian Speicher (2014): Conference Paper "Paving the Path to Content-centric and Device-agnostic Web Design"
- Maximilian Speicher, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke (2013): Conference Paper "TellMyRelevance! Predicting the Relevance of Web Search Results from Cursor Interactions"
- Maximilian Speicher, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke (2013): Conference Paper "Towards Metric-based Usability Evaluation of Online Web Interfaces"
- Maximilian Speicher, Andreas Both, Martin Gaedke (2013): Conference Paper "Was that Webpage Pleasant to Use? Predicting Usability Quantitatively from Interactions"
- Michael Röder, Maximilian Speicher, Ricardo Usbeck (2013): Conference Paper "Investigating Quality Raters' Performance Using Interface Evaluation Methods"