Daniel Pouzemski
Personal Information

About me
I was born and grew up in Ufa, Russia, where I enjoyed school education for 9 years. 1998 me and my family moved to Bonn, Germany, where I joined Helmholtz-Gymnasium.
I discovered my enthusiasm for computers quite early after being confronted with Atari computers. In the age of 12 I began writing my first programs in Gw-Basic and Q-Basic for MS-DOS evolving to Borland Delphi for Windows a short time later. My interest was supported at school by giving me possibilities for numerous participations at programming competitions, which finally led me to an award in 1996 for my English vocabulary training software and made possible my attendance at the International Media Festival in Moscow in 1998.
Since 2000 I have been focusing my attention at web development, working primarily on private projects, one of which was Helmholtz-Underground (now offlline), a PHP-Nuke based community with over 600 registered users at its high times. Having gained enough experience in PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS around 2003 I put together a team to found Grenity Studios. We started developing web solutions in Israel, at a time when nearly no e-commerce was present there and the demand for it was quite obvious. One of our first projects was MotoDepot(http://www.moto-depot.co.il), an OsCommerce based webshop for an Israeli startup selling spare parts for motorcycles. Only a couple of years later it turned to one of the largest and most recognizable webshops in this business area. In the following years we have implemented more than 400 features reaching from PDF-invoice generation till automated image processing enriching the possibilities of the OsCommerce software.
2003 I finished my school education at Helmholtz-Gymnasium in Bonn and started my studies at the Technical University of Chemnitz, which are still in progress. In 2007 while my friends at Grenity Studios were involved in a variety of other projects, I projected my companies activities onto the German market, having developed over 50 individual PHP solutions and Joomla based CMS Sites by today.
Since 2009 I am engaged at VSR working group developing a C# based project, mainly concentrating on topics like asp.net MVC, Selenium acceptance tests and test-driven development in general.