Michael Peuß
Personal Information

Past Projects
Michael Peuß
Enhancing Security and Transparency of OAuth 2.0-enabled Resource Sharing Systems by
Applying User-centric Authorization
(Codename: Ununoctium)
Type of project: Masterarbeit Advisers: Fabian Wiedemann, Martin Gaedke Research Area: Web Engineering
Michael Peuß
An Approach to Authorization Delegation to Support Sharing of Protected Web Resources
(Codename: Georgia)
Type of project: Bachelorarbeit Advisers: Stefan Wild, Martin Gaedke Research Area: Web Engineering, Intelligent Information Management
Sebastian Heil, Michael Peuß, Sven Kunze
Workflow-Management mit WebComposition/DataGridService
(Codename: Kalifornien)
Type of project: Teamorientierte Projektarbeit Advisers: Olexiy Chudnovskyy, Martin Gaedke Research Area: Intelligent Information Management, Service Infrastructures