Hendrik Gebhardt M.Sc.
Personal Information

Short CV
Hendrik was born 1982 in Detmold and lived for a quarter of a century in the district of Lippe in North Rhine-Westphalia. After studying several semesters at the University of Paderborn, he worked as a C# programmer at Orga Kartensysteme GmbH in Paderborn and decided to switch the focus of his university studies. His new intention was to study applied computer science with the specialization of environmental computer sciences (Umweltinformatik). After an internship and bachelor thesis at Optibelt GmbH, he received a bachelor degree of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences. After his study in Höxter, Hendrik decided to continue his education and searched for an adequate master programme. He applied for the master programme Data & Web Engineering of the Chemnitz University of Technology. He was one of the first master students of the faculty of computer science at CUT and the first one who received a master degree in Data & Web Engineering. In the two years during the master course, Hendrik specialized in WebID (former name: FOAF+SSL) and WebAccessControl, which is now one of his research interests.
In his free time, Hendrik was part of the team which founded and maintained the project erweiterungen.de between 2005 and 2010. He spent a lot of time in open source communities and still supports them as much as possible. During the last few years, he became a fan of the Ruby on Rails framework and agile approaches.
Social Networks
Current Projects
Past Projects
- Karl Kröber: Masterarbeit (2012) "Social Routing – Delegating Tasks in a Social Environment"
- Fabian Wiedemann: Diplomarbeit (2012) "Activity Streams im Einsatz für ein vertrauenswürdiges Social Web"
- Fabian Wiedemann: Studienarbeit (2012) "Protokolle zur Realisierung eines Federated Social Web an der Professur Verteilte und Selbstorganisierende Rechnersysteme"
- Paul Walther: Studienarbeit (2011) "Personal Web Discovery"
- Michael Krug: Diplomarbeit (2011) "Entwicklung einer Multi-Touch-Anwendung zur Unterstützung agiler Softwareentwicklungsmethoden"
- Xingang Liu: Diplomarbeit (2011) "Modellgetriebene Unterstützung von End User Development für Daten-intensive Web-Anwendungen"
- Ariel Firlej: Diplomarbeit (2011) "Eine Publish-Subscribe-Infrastruktur für Linked-Data-Applikationen"
Advised Projects
- Karl Kröber: Masterarbeit (2012) "Social Routing – Delegating Tasks in a Social Environment"
- Fabian Wiedemann: Diplomarbeit (2012) "Activity Streams im Einsatz für ein vertrauenswürdiges Social Web"
- Fabian Wiedemann: Studienarbeit (2012) "Protokolle zur Realisierung eines Federated Social Web an der Professur Verteilte und Selbstorganisierende Rechnersysteme"
- Paul Walther: Studienarbeit (2011) "Personal Web Discovery"
- Michael Krug: Diplomarbeit (2011) "Entwicklung einer Multi-Touch-Anwendung zur Unterstützung agiler Softwareentwicklungsmethoden"
- Xingang Liu: Diplomarbeit (2011) "Modellgetriebene Unterstützung von End User Development für Daten-intensive Web-Anwendungen"
- Ariel Firlej: Diplomarbeit (2011) "Eine Publish-Subscribe-Infrastruktur für Linked-Data-Applikationen"
- Hendrik Gebhardt, Martin Gaedke, Florian Daniel, Stefano Soi, Fabio Casati, Carlos A. Iglesias, Scott Wilson (2012): Journal Article "From Mashups to Telco Mashups: A Survey"
- Olexiy Chudnovskyy, Stefan Wild, Hendrik Gebhardt, Martin Gaedke (2012): Journal Article "Data Portability Using WebComposition/Data Grid Service"
- Frank Weinhold, Olexiy Chudnovskyy, Hendrik Gebhardt, Martin Gaedke (2011): Conference Paper "Geschäftsprozessintegration auf Basis von Telco-Mashups"
- Olexiy Chudnovskyy, Hendrik Gebhardt, Frank Weinhold, Martin Gaedke (2011): Conference Paper "Business Process Integration using Telco Mashups"
- Michael Krug, Hendrik Gebhardt, Martin Gaedke (2011): Conference Paper "Multi-Touch zur Unterstützung agiler Softwareentwicklungsprozesse"
- Dominik Tomaszuk, Hendrik Gebhardt, Martin Gaedke (2011): Conference Paper "WebID+ACO: A distributed identification mechanism for social web"
- Olexiy Chudnovskyy, Frank Weinhold, Hendrik Gebhardt, Martin Gaedke (2011): Conference Paper "Integration of Telco Services into Enterprise Mashup Applications"